Slab Leak Repair: How Your Hot Water Heater And Slab Leaks Are Often Connected | Arlington, TX

Slab Leak Repair: How Your Hot Water Heater And Slab Leaks Are Often Connected | Arlington, TX

Photo By cegli at istock

Slab leak repairs often solve problems including energy costs, water bills, and damage to your foundation and basement. They can also save you the cost of water heater repairs when the source of your problems is related to a hot water line, not the heater itself. These are some of the reasons why homeowners in the Arlington, TX area should turn to Problems that result from a suspected leak under the concrete slab on which the home rests, or from piping that is embedded in the concrete itself need expert attention. Clues that may point to slab leaks can also help identify whether you need a repair of your hot water lines or whether it’s more likely that your water heater is in need of attention. If you notice water accumulating near your water heater, gather these helpful clues and give the experts a call.

Unusual sounds

If you hear sounds of water flowing under your foundation or slab, or other similar sounds that suggest something is unstable below, it’s time to investigate. Experts can help identify the source of the sounds, and determine whether a slab leak repair is necessary. If water is flowing freely underneath, chances are you’ll also have other clues such as the cost of the water being lost.

Utility bill spike

Your water bill will rise quickly if you’re losing water through a leak, and even a small hole in your pipe can, under pressure, cost you thousands of gallons through the course of a month. If you’re also experiencing a rise in your energy costs that doesn’t align with your expected annual usage patterns, you may have a clue that your hot water line is damaged. You’re losing both water and heat through the leak. If you don’t keep your past bills on file or you’re new to your residence, the utility company can usually supply you with historical data for your home dating back several years or more.

Water pressure issue

If your water pressure is low, it’s time to look for a leak. This is especially true if you’ve experienced a rise in your water usage reflected in your meter reading or monthly bill. If your water pressure is low only when you turn on the hot water faucet, chances are it’s a hot water supply piping leak or water heater problem such as scaling accumulating in the tank.

Flooring and carpets damp or water-damaged

Homeowners usually look for water sources that come from above ground when the carpet is wet, but these repairs often address cracks that allow water to enter the basement from below ground. This will appear as damp carpets or warped flooring, or evidence that these areas have been water damaged.

Mold and mildew

Another sign that water has been leaking either from pipes in the basement or from cracks allowing water to rise from below the foundation is mold and mildew. This can be detected by visible signs that look like black dirt clinging to materials, or from the telltale odors of these growths. Slab leak repair should be combined with thorough drying, cleaning, and remediation to avoid allergy and respiratory problems.

Drywall cracks

Moisture, accumulating water, and water wicking through and traveling up walls can result in drywall cracks. This is a sign to look further for other signs of the presence of excessive moisture in the form of damage and growths.

Warped doors hard to open or close

Moisture from water rising through cracks in basement cement can affect doors, leading to wood swelling and making the doors stick or become hard to close. Check for nearby issues with flooring as another clue.

Water gathering in strange places

Water gathering near a water heater may have several sources including a leak from the heater, the need for a slab leak repair, or leaks from nearby equipment such as a furnace or washing machine. If there is no ready explanation that can be confirmed to explain standing water, puddles, or signs that water is gathering and evaporating in unexpected areas, it’s time to do some detective work. Call the slab leak experts for help.

Hot floors

This clue can be puzzling at first, since most people don’t think about hot water accumulating under the floor. Because of the common piping strategies used in homebuilding, if the hot water supply line is leaking on its way to distribution throughout the home, it will act the same way that radiant heating in your bathroom might. It will warm your basement floor from below.

Water heater constantly running

If your hot water supply has recently become unstable with no changes in usage, a slab leak may be the issue. If the water heater seems to be constantly heating rather than supplying from its typically 40-gallon reserve, consider possible slab leak repair.

Reasons a Slab Leak Repair Might Be Needed

Problems that need to be corrected can include:

  • Original pipe installation problems now causing problems such as faulty pipe joints, damaged materials, and issues with cement pouring


  • External forces such as earth movement and foundation settling that put pressure on the pipes, eventually damaging them


  • Corrosion of pipes underneath or within the slab from water supply pH problems or groundwater pH


  • Abrasion from pipe vibration such as that caused by valve-related “water hammer” shocks or foundation motion, sometimes even as a result of water leaks loosening soil

Turn to for Specialist Attention to Your Slab Leak Repair Problems

Slab leak repair costs can escalate quickly, especially if the repair is done by workers inexperienced in locating the leak and providing the best repair options. Turn to professionals in the Arlington, TX area who know local construction techniques, common foundation and soil issues, and other factors that help them manage your slab leak repair for best results and at a reasonable cost. Call for more information and help solve your slab leak problem.