Slab Leak Detection: Causes And How To Manage Them | Mansfield, Texas
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Now and then, a slab leak may occur in your home, irrespective of how diligent or smart a homeowner you have been all along. While it might appear a simple matter at the beginning, a slab leak might cause extensive damage to your home should you fail to take precautions and necessary steps to get rid of the leaks. As a diligent homeowner, you must identify the necessary measures to prevent or repair slab leaks once they occur.
Slab leaks are a result of water or sewerage pipes running deep within the building leaking their content directly into the construction, resulting in the development of cracks in your home. In many cases, some of the leaks are easy to identify earlier and easily, because they usually occur beneath the toilet, shower, or just below the kitchen sinks. Other leaks are usually hard to identify, meaning that by the time you notice the leak, it might have already caused extensive damage to your home, some of which are difficult and expensive to repair. Slab leaks are particularly common in homes around Mansfield, TX.
Slab leak detection should be your utmost goal as a homeowner, to guarantee the stability and integrity of your home in the long run. Many homeowners in Mansfield, TX have reported instances of slab leaks in their homes, a rallying call to ensure that such people are well informed on what to look out for and the necessary actions to take to ensure prudent detection.
While slab leak detection may sound alien especially in cases where such leaks are not easy to monitor or easily identify, there are suggestive signs to look out for to ensure you are well informed.
Slab leak danger signs
Slab leak detection involves identifying the warning signs that will aid in identifying the leaks before they cause extensive home damage. If you are in suspicion of a slab leak located in your home’s foundation, some of the features to look out for include the following;
- A raised dome on the floor– a raised induration on the floor that might appear suddenly or gradually is one of the most obvious signs of slab leaks and ranks as a top detection feature. A raised dome is an indication of an extensive leak within the construction foundation, resulting in the absorption of the water or liquids by the construction material causing a warp in the shape of the floor. A raised dome will give you a location of the leak, but it should also inform you of an extensive leak.
- A warm spot on the floor– the normal home floor in many cases, usually has a cold sensation when you come into contact with it. If you suspect a leak from your hot water line, then checking for any abnormal warm spots on the floor can lead you to detect a slab leak from below the construction. The abnormal warm spots can easily be detected on carpeted or linoleum floors but can be difficult in carpeted floors unless the leak is massive. Hardwood floors also present a challenge in identifying such abnormal warm spots.
- A sudden surge in water bills– it is important to take note of the ranges within which your water bills fall regularly. Any abnormal sudden surge in the water bills should serve as a slab leak detection measure if there is no indication of increased water use in your home or increased rates from the water supply company. A sudden spike in the water bill can be an indication of a sudden or severe water leak in your home, serving as a detection measure.
- Foundation heaving– extensive home leaks have been shown to tilt or lift the home structure by a certain degree, known as heaving. Heaving is an indication of a massive leak within your home foundation that requires immediate expert attention to avert further damage. Heaving in most cases occurs with other features that include cracks on the interior and exterior walls and on the slab itself. Heaving is a clear measure of slab leak detection requiring the utmost attention.
- Slab leak detection tools– in some instances, detecting leaks might not be easy. Especially where there are no indicative signs. A slab leak detection equipment comes in handy in helping identify leaks occurring within the home foundation and take the necessary preventive and corrective measures to avert further damage.
Once you identify any sign of a possible leak, it is important to take the necessary measures to prevent further leaks that might do extensive damage to your home. Detecting slab leaks early will help in reducing the repair costs and also avert extensive damage to your home. Regular and thorough checks around your entire home structure are necessary to ensure that you detect any slab leaks early before they become extensive. Contracting the services of an experienced plumbing company to detect slab leaks regularly is also an important slab leak detection measure.
Slab leaks in Mansfield, TX
A simple leak if it goes unchecked over time can result in massive damage to your home structure that might be difficult and expensive to repair. If you are within the vicinity of Mansfield, TX and you are looking for a professional and elite plumbing company to check for possible slab leaks within your home, then contact us.
Our firm, Slableak.com, has a rich and vibrant history in plumping, and we will ensure that your home is safe and free from possible slab leaks. Our experts will carry out a thorough home check to detect any slab leaks and discuss with you the best measures you need to take in the repair of such leaks.
Reach out to Slableak.com to get the best slab leak detection and repair services, with our professional experts offering you advice on preventing future slab leaks. Call us today and talk to our experts to fix all your slab leak problems.