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Everything You Need to Know About Slab Leak Repair | Mansfield, TX

Everything You Need to Know About Slab Leak Repair | Mansfield, TX

Photo By Matthew de Lange at istock

Homes across America are commonly built on concrete slab foundations and are therefore vulnerable to slab leaks. If you’re worried that your home has a slab leak and you’re searching for slab leak repair in Mansfield, TX, you may like to contact Benjamin Franklin.

There are many reasons that slab leaks occur; this article will look at the most common causes and will give you details of what you should do if you think your property has a slab leak.

What Is a Slab Leak?

A slab leak is a leak that occurs in the slabs used in the property’s foundations. These types of leaks are caused by construction errors, outside pressure, poor water quality, abrasions, or appear due to wear over time.

Concrete slab foundations, bear a great deal of weight and are responsible for keeping the groundwater out of your home. They also create a barrier, stopping any unwanted vapors seeping into your home. It’s therefore very important to ensure that the foundations of your home are as stable as possible.

A slab leak is a leak is caused by a burst pipe or other type of leak in the water lines, which run below the properties foundations. There are two different types of slab leaks, which are relatively common. A skilled and qualified plumber can carry out slab leak repair. Slab leaks are either pressure leaks or drainage leaks. Leaks that are caused by pressure are a lot easier to detect, and a plumber will be able to carry out slab leak repair service. This type of leak, therefore, doesn’t usually cause much damage to the home. Drainage leaks are more of a problem as they can go undetected for a long time, and can cause damage to your home.

What Are the Causes of Slab Leaks?

Construction Problems

One of the leading causes of slab leaks is improper construction. If the water pipes that run under your home were incorrectly installed while the house was being built, problems would occur in the future. It’s common for pipes to be dented during construction or to be improperly installed. This will eventually cause severe damage.

Water Chemicals

Water is treated with chemicals before it arrives at your home and depending on the chemical composition can cause pipes to corrode over time. If your water is acidic in nature, your pipes will be at a higher risk of premature corrosion. Acidic water is also known as “hard” water. Whereas alkaline water is “soft” water.

Ideally, your water’s chemical balance should be neutral and should measure between 6.5 and 8.5 on the pH scale. This can easily be checked by a plumber who will use a pH indicator strip to diagnose the problem.


Abrasion is also a common cause of slab leaks. Pipe abrasion occurs when concrete, gravel, or a nearby pipe rubs against it. Pipes that are subject to constant friction will slowly wear down, and this will eventually cause a leak. Hot water pipes are at higher risk of abrasion. This is because the hot water makes them expand, which could result in the pipe rubbing against other pipes or concrete. Pipes that run under your home should, if installed correctly, have adequate space to expand without touching anything.


Water pressure will cause a slab leak in the long run. However, if there’s movement in the soil underneath the foundations of your home, it could cause your property to put pressure on the pipes. Soil shifts occur if there’s recently been an earthquake. It can also be due to soil erosion or if an underground stream has developed.

How to Tell if You Have a Slab Leak

There are some common signs that homeowners should look out for if they think they may have a slab leak. One of the easiest ways to tell that there’s a problem is by looking at your water bills. If you have a sudden increase in your water bill, there’s likely to be a slab leak. Other clues include pipes making noises or the sound of running water when you’re not using any water. If your water pressure is low or your garden becomes waterlogged this is also cause for concern. You’re also likely to have a slab leak if your carpet feels damp.

These signs signal that there’s a problem; this could be a slab leak, or your home may have a different plumbing issue. It’s a good idea to call a plumber as soon as possible to get to the root of the problem.

What to Do if You Suspect a Slab Leak

If you think your home has a slab leak, look for a plumber who specializes in slab leak repair.

It’s important not to wait as a small leak could get worse and cause a lot of damage to your home. Slab leaks which have been left undetected can cause structural damage to your property as well as water damage if a burst pipe causes flooding.

A plumber will be able to use slab leak detection techniques to get to the source of the problem and find a solution. Slab leak repair can then be carried out. Plumbers have several ways of fixing slab leaks, which aren’t as invasive as you may think.

Slab Leak Repair: Benjamin Franklin, Mansfield, TX

If you’re searching for slab leak repair don’t hesitate to contact Benjamin Franklin. They are a BBB rated business and offer 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

The company offers a 24/7 emergency plumbing service, can carry out slab leak detection as well as slab leak repair and pressure leak testing. They are a home advisor top rated company and employ skilled professionals.

If you suspect that your home needs slab leak repair services call, Benjamin Franklin, today, on 817-405-0434, they offer free estimates and fantastic customer service.